What is the importance of Grammar in IELTS Exam?

Excellent grammar can make a huge impact on your overall IELTS band score!

You might be thinking that there is no such question in the IELTS exam that directly tests your grammatical skills. But you might also get surprises by the fact that Grammar plays a vital role in getting desired band score in IELTS exam.

Grammar is the backbone of any language or you can say that the roots of any language is its grammar be it English, Hindi, Punjabi, and more.

Having appropriate and adequate knowledge of English grammar in order to pass through all the tested 4 skills in IELTS exam- Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.

The level of importance of Grammar in IELTS varies from module to module.

Students often commit this mistake by just focusing on vocabulary and spelling. However it is important but with the correct use of grammar, you can get more specific information of the situation.


IELTS GRA refers to Grammatical Range and Accuracy. The IELTS GRA consists of two parts:

  • Grammatical Range
  • Accuracy

You must master both the concepts in IELTS test for fetching desired band score.

Let’s discuss it in little detail-

Grammatical Range

The IELTS grammar range reflects the quantity or the number for assessing the criteria in the IELTS writing test.

The band descriptors for IELTS Speaking are:

  • Grammatical range and accuracy
  • Pronunciation
  • Fluency and Coherence
  • Lexical resource

The range of grammar in IELTS writing includes:

  • Task Achievement/Response
  • Coherence and Cohesion
  • Grammatical range and accuracy
  • Lexical resource

These factors are applicable for both Writing Task1 & Writing Task 2.


The accuracy in the IELTS speaking and writing sections refers to committing no errors.

The candidate’s band score is related to the presence or lack or recurring errors they produce.

Importance of Grammar in IELTS Writing

IELTS writing is known as the most difficult part of the IELTS exam which means it also requires good command and extensive knowledge of English grammar. Your marks will be deducted for grammatical errors in IELTS writing exam as compared to speaking exam. Also, each minute punctuation symbol and mistake will be marked such as commas, exclamation sign, periods, semi-colons and more. These punctuation symbols are not used in spoken English that’s why you have to be very careful about its usage in IELTS writing.

For an instance,

Sentence 1- Let’s eat Dad.

Sentence 2- Let’s eat, Dad.

A comma in the second sentence makes a huge difference in the meaning of both sentences.

In IELTS writing, you are marked on:

  • Task Achievement
  • Coherence and Cohesion
  • Lexical Resource
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy

While giving your IELTS writing exam candidate should be very sure about sentences written. For this, it is recommended to get through the different types of sentences in English Grammar and try not to write too many clauses in a sentence. Add short and precise sentences with accurate pauses. Also, the mixture of simple and complex sentences in your IELTS writing is very important. At last, practice is the best strategy to gain better understanding of your mistakes. Sign up with Online IELTS preparation course by Dr. Roma today and get desired band score with expert guidance.

Importance of Grammar in IELTS Speaking 

Just like in IELTS writing exam, IELTS speaking is also marked on four parameters:

  • Fluency and Coherence
  • Lexical Resource (that means vocabulary)
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy
  • Pronunciation

Approximately 25% of your IELTS speaking marks is of right usage of Grammar. Fluency in English while speaking with right use of grammar makes sense and helps in grabbing desired band score in IELTS speaking exam.

Let’s have a look at Grammatical Range and Accuracy in IELTS speaking-

As it is clearly visible from the table given above that there is a huge difference in band score fetching on the basis of the grammatical ability of the candidate. Candidate with Band 7 score is able to produce a mix of simple and complex sentences, though some of the grammatical mistakes are accepted here. On the other hand, candidates scoring Band 5 in IELTS speaking use simple sentences and contain usual grammatical errors. This clearly defines the importance of Grammar in IELTS speaking.

Importance of English Grammar in ielts Reading

In IELTS reading, you have to read and understand the questions so that you can get a clear idea from the text. For this, grammatical knowledge of the English language is required to understand the difference between tenses and the meaning of sentences.

Here is an example

  1. After staying in numerous hotels for few months, Harry was exhausted and made the decision to return home to Germany.
  2. After staying in numerous hotels for few months, Harry was getting exhausted and would soon make the decision to return home to Germany.

So what is the difference here? There is only a very small difference, but it could affect the answer to a question if it related to the time when James decided to go home. In sentence 1, Harry has already felt exhausted and made his decision. In sentence 2, Harry is starting to feel exhausted, and will soon decide to go home.

Grammar does not play a vital role in the Listening and Reading section, still appropriate knowledge is required to select the correct answers in IELTS reading by getting through right sense of sentences.

Importance of English Grammar in IELTS Listening

If we talk about IELTS listening Module the Grammar in IELTS listening is least important as compared to the other three modules. But of course, you can’t neglect it completely, to have a good understanding of spoken sentences in IELTS listening audion Grammatical knowledge is essential.

For example- You must have grammatical knowledge to understand the differences between the given sentences-

  1. Today we’re going to talk about the weather in Australia.
  2. Today we’ve been talking about the weather in Australia.

Again, you can see that the difference is small but with a big difference of sense or meaning. So it clearly means that IELTS listening has less importance of grammar but yet it can’t be neglected to fetch correct answers.

Dr. Roma

Content Writer