English Grammar-The 8 Parts of Speech Rules & Examples

Each and every language has its own Grammatical rules and accuracies. As the IELTS test judges you on the basis of your knowledge of the English language, in this article, grammar of the English language will be discussed.

There is no particular separate section or test of English grammar in IELTS but the modules of writing and speaking carry 25% of marks under the parameter's heading “Grammatical range and Accuracy”.

There are in total, 8 parts of speech. It is essential to learn them as you cannot learn the words in isolation. It is necessary to hold them in a line through grammar rules. That’s why you need to learn the 8 parts of speech of the English language.

Parts Of Speech

1. Noun

The noun is a word used for the name of any person, place, animal, or thing. For example- chair, car, John, tiger, Farmhouse, etc.

Sentence- I saw a tiger in a zoo.

2. Pronoun

A pronoun is a word that is used in the place of a noun. For example- He, she, it, I, we, you, they, etc.

Sentence- I saw a tiger in a zoo.

3. Adjective

An adjective is a word that describes the quality or quantity of a noun or pronoun. For example- tall, short, black, fat, lovely, three, etc.

Sentence- I saw a giant tiger in a zoo.

4. Verb

The verb describes ‘an action. The word states an action that is done by a noun or pronoun. For example- sit, cook, play, stand, fly, weep, etc.

Sentence- I saw a giant tiger walking in a zoo.

5. Adverb

An adverb is a word used to describe the quality of a verb. Adverbs are basically ‘ly’ words. For example- slowly, fastly, gently, beautifully, etc.

Sentence- I saw a giant tiger walking briskly in a zoo.

6. Preposition

A preposition is a word used to describe the position of an object. For example- at, in, on, since, for, till, etc.

Sentence- I saw a giant tiger walking briskly in a zoo.

7. Conjunction

A conjunction is a word that is to join two sentences or two words. For example- and, but, because, due to, etc.

Sentence- I saw the giant tigers walking and running in a zoo.

The tiger was running whereas the monkey was jumping over the trees.

8. Interjection

An interjection is a word that is used to describe the emotions of happiness, sad, surprise, etc. For example- oh! wow! ouch! Etc.

Sentence- Ah! The tigers were giant.

I. Change of Parts of Speech

If you have a knowledge of parts of speech, it can help you in sentence restructuring in the IELTS writing or speaking test. Even in reading or listening exams, you can predict your answers in an accurate way. The way of sentence restructuring means, that if you are given a word that is used as a noun in a sentence, you can use it as a verb while writing.

For example-

Noun To Verb

fluctuate is a noun while fluctuating is a verb.

An increase is a noun and increasing is a verb.

Rise is a noun and rising is a verb.

Adjective To Adverb

Slight is an adjective but slightly is an adverb.

For example- There was a slight change in sales. (adjective)

The sales changed slightly. (adverb)

  • The aging population in America has grown (verb) incrementally (adverb) over the last 10 years.

There has been an incremental (adjective) growth (noun) in the aging population of America over the last ten years.

  • A dramatic change in technology over the past 10 years has led to a decline in family communication.

Here, dramatic is an adjective and change is a noun. It can be changed as

Technology has changed dramatically which has declined family communication.

II. Use of pronouns

Pronouns can be used in the place of repeating words. For example-

Children love to play sports. Children like eating too. Children love eating junk food mostly.


Children love to play sports. They like eating too.

Usage of adverbs in between

Children love to play sports. They like eating too, especially junk food.

Use of conjunction

Children love to play sports and eat junk food as they like eating.

III. Formation of Complex Sentences

A variety of complex sentences can be formed using conjunctions, prepositions, or different parts of speech. Some of the examples are as:-

  • The cost of relocating a company from the city to a regional location is expensive. You have to build new facilities.

The cost of relocating a company from the city to a regional location is expensive for which you have to build new facilities. (Subordinate clause)

The cost of relocating a company from the city to a regional location is expensive as new facilities have to be built. (Active to Passive)

  • Family members like communicating through skype. Family members can now communicate with each other anywhere in the world for free.

Family members who like communicating through skype can now communicate with each other anywhere in the world for free.

IV. Use of Prepositional Phrase.

For an introduction, it is effective to use prepositional phrases to give a good start. It makes your writing formal and attractive. A prepositional phrase is made up of a preposition, an object, or its related adverb or adjective.

For example-

  • In this era of technology,
  • Since the dawn of time,
  • In contrast
  • In conclusion
  • Due to this,

(Underlined words are prepositions)

V. Use of Interjection in the Speaking test:-

Interjections can be used in speaking tests in a better way as while speaking, pitch and tone have to be adjusted according to the situation and describe any surprising or sad, or happy moments, interjections can be used.

For example-

  • Ah! At that moment I sighed heavily.
  • Well! I got praised by my teachers at that time.
  • Oh my God! My friend had never been so surprised as that day.

Knowledge of basic parts of speech is essential to learning the English language. It is marked while calculating bands for writing and speaking tests. Hoping that this article will remain knowledgeable at any time and keep practicing for various exercises and mock tests for better practice.

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Related: Singular and plural nouns: Improve your vocabulary for IELTS

IELTS Grammar: Modal Verbs For Deduction

Grammar in IELTS-Active and Passive Voice Rules

Best of luck!

Dr. Roma

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