How To Use English Like A Native Speaker? – Tips & Tricks

The English language is a native language to many British countries like the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, Jamaica, the United States of America, Australia, Dominica, etc. Well, English is not a tough language to be learned as a second or third language. Still, it requires practice to speak any learned language.

Who is a Native Speaker?

A native speaker is a person who speaks any language since his/her birth. Native language is someone’s first language which doesn’t need to be learned. Native language comes out with a flow and a language which one is always comfortable to talk in.

In my earlier articles, it has been mentioned that to learn any language, some components are needed to get pro in. Grammar, spelling, vocabulary, fluency, hearing or writing skills, etc. all does matter.

Now the question arises, why we don’t sound like natives when we have knowledge of all these components. Well, there is a lot of difference between the bookish language and real-life phrasal usage. Today, this article will answer the above question that how to use English as a native speaker and to understand that what do Natives do to speak their native language?

1. Try to include idioms in your speaking:-

To speak like a native, you have to understand that what you should include in the speaking of your first language when you speak. The answer is idioms. Idioms are phrases that are casually used by any speaker, and if you want to sound like a native, idiom usage can make you more of a that.

For example:- A. Cherry on the cake.

B. It’s not my cup of tea.

C. Have some chill.

D. Mind your own business etc.

2. Enhance your listening skills:-

Another important trick to sound more like a native speaker is that improve your hearing skill. The more you listen, the more you will get an idea of Native English accents.

  • Watch more English news channels or TV shows.
  • Listen to English music from different regions.
  • As if you are going on for an English-speaking country, and practicing for IELTS, practice more listening exercises available on various applications over the web, especially YouTube.

3. Try to use slang words:-

Informally or casually, the first language is not learned and every language does possess a bunch of slang words which, if spoken, makes it sound like a natural one.

There are two natural ways of speaking this:-

  • First one is using slang words like Hey, you wanna hang out?, I’m gonna catch you up in 15 minutes.

Here, gonna, wanna, hang out, all do come in slang or informal phrases.

  • The second way to speak naturally is by joining some parts of speech

For example:- join I and Am and say “I’m”

I and would= I’d

I and have= I've, we’ve

Can or not= can’t, could’ve etc.

4. Mind your speed:-

  • Firstly think and observe speaking your first language.
  • Observe it by recording it.
  • Then listen that did you fumble?

Well, the answer would be an obvious no. Why? Because it is not learnt and you are not in a rush to speak it all out. You will chew it, you will change your pace and speed.

Exactly, mind your speed while speaking English. Use variations of pitch. Try to low down or high up your pitch while speaking.

5. Maybe a native speaker can help out (imitate):-

As earlier mentioned, a native speaker is a natural speaker of the language. One trick to use English as a native one is to imitate him/her. Try to catch the accent, watch or observe his language closely, talk as much as possible, and listen enough too.

  • It will help in your speaking.
  • You can catch his slang too.
  • The difference between a textbook and real usage can be cleared out.
  • Your practice will get a direction and that is very important.

6. Catch the expressions of natives:-

Why always listeners are able to distinguish between a native and a non-native speaker?

How do they sound different?

The answer is their expressions. They make the listener feel that whatever they are speaking, has an impact or value. And, students, that value comes with expressions. Do not sound like rot learned parrot. Make more out of your language by putting some expressions in your sentences as you do with your first language.

7. Focus on reading aloud:-

Read aloud. Yes, take an English textbook, watch any movie with English subtitles, read any article, any magazine or journal, just do one thing, read aloud.


  • You will catch the idea of the pronunciation.
  • Reading aloud will go in your ears too which will help you to compare your speaking with natives.
  • It will improve the clarity of your throat.
  • It will make you habitual of speaking.

8. Have a reach to different accents:-

In this digital world, it is not much difficult to gather knowledge of different British accents of English.

  • Watch videos regarding different ways of speaking English in different countries.
  • Google out the pronunciation of different words in various accents.
  • If possible, visit some stations too.

9. Carry your confidence:-

Last but not the least, not a trick though, but always carry your confidence along with a smile. Do not speak like you have learned it from a textbook by focusing on doing no errors. Just speak it confidently in a natural way.

  • I guess the best way to show your confidence to someone is by speaking by looking into the listener’s eyes.
  • Another trick to gather confidence is to avoid looking at no error speaking because that is not possible if English is your second or third language.
  • One trick that may be suggested by all, is that to speak by looking in the mirror and that always works.

I believe that the aforementioned tricks will help you a lot in using English as a native speaker but it is equally right if you are not able to do that. Language is more used to convey your ideas or messages to other people. It is a medium of communication, yet, with practice, nothing is impossible.

Dr. Roma

Content Writer