Tips to extend answers in speaking interview

The speaking section of the IELTS exam is the final round. This test is conducted separately from writing, reading, and listening.

In the IELTS speaking test, the candidate will have a conversation with an examiner on topics related to their daily life, work, studies, or interests. The discussion will last between 11 and 14 minutes, and the whole test will take around 15 minutes in total.

The examiner will ask questions based on three main areas: fluency and coherence, lexical resource, and grammatical range and accuracy. They will also evaluate how well the candidate can express themselves in different ways, as well as their overall level of fluency in spoken English.

This test is divided into 3 Module

1. Introduction and interview
2. Preparation and Preliminary Questions
3.The Examiner's Perspectives
You will be asked general questions in this part, and you will be asked about your hobbies, career choice, job, family, etc. There is a maximum of 5-8 minutes for you to elaborate.
You'll get a work assignment from the supervisor asking you to speak about a particular topic. You will have one minute for the preparation and two minutes for speaking. After that, the examiner will ask some questions regarding the topic.
In this final module of the IELTS speaking test, the examiner will discuss more questions about the topic selected in module 2, And this is the best time for you to elaborate on your experience regarding the chosen topic with the examiner. Provide examples and stories to support your answers. Make sure you explain all of the details, including why something happened, who was involved, and what the outcome was.

Many test-takers find the IELTS Speaking Test to be a nerve-wracking experience. Luckily, certain strategies can be employed to help reduce stress while assisting in obtaining a higher score. 

Also read: Tips to conclude your IELTS speaking test

The following are 7 tips to assist in making the most out of the Speaking Test, IELTS preparation, and achieving success:

1. Avoiding the Trap of Too Fast or Too Slow

When it comes to speaking a language, we tend to associate speed with proficiency. Naturally, the more fluent you are, the faster you'll be able to get your words out. Nevertheless, it is better to avoid the trap of speaking too quickly or too slowly during the IELTS Speaking test. If you speak too fast, it may be difficult to understand what you are saying. Use pauses to consider your answer and provide a thoughtful response, Speak slowly and, use appropriate language for the situation On the other hand if you talk too slowly, your examiner may lose interest. The best thing to do is to maintain a steady, consistent pace to make sure you are communicating clearly and making a positive impression.

2. Speaking Confidence: A Vital Prerequisite for the IELTS Preparation

The Speaking examination is likely to be the most intimidating part of the IELTS Exam. It is normal to feel anxious ahead of and during the test, nonetheless, it is essential to come off as confident. Maintain good eye contact with the interviewer throughout the conversation, It is beneficial to make a good first impression, so be sure to be neat. When greeting your examiner with a warm smile, don't forget to give them a firm handshake. Even if you make a slight mistake due to nervousness, such as saying "Good morning" instead of "Good afternoon," IELTS examiners will often ignore it. Speak clearly and confidently. This will help to convey that you are knowledgeable and passionate about the topic.

3. Emotional Responses to Questions

While it is not preferable to answer your examiner's questions with tears rolling down your face, it is important to communicate with emotion in your voice. Expressing yourself in a monotone manner can make you appear inexperienced and could adversely affect your score. To counteract this, envision how you would speak if you were talking in your mother tongue and try to replicate those feelings when you are speaking English. and Whenever possible, use real-life examples to illustrate your points. This will help to make your answer more interesting and engaging.

4. Take time to Collect your thoughts

It's alright to take a moment to think before responding to a question, like in a job interview. To avoid rambling, it's acceptable to let the interviewer know you need a moment to collect your thoughts. Ask questions to further clarify any points that are not clear or require more detail

Some sample phrases that can be used

  • "I'm not sure how to answer, so I need a moment to consider your question.",
  • "I'm feeling a bit nervous, can you give me a moment to gather my thoughts?",
  • "Sorry, I didn't understand that, would you mind repeating the query?".

However, be aware of not asking the interviewer to repeat themselves too often, as it may lead them to believe you are not understanding the questions

5. Use of "Frilly" Language during the Test

The preceding point about how essential it is to speak during the test is built upon in this section. If you only use simple language in your response, even if you are an expert on the subject, you won't get a high grade. Instead, don't be afraid to use "frilly" words. While it's important to provide a detailed answer, make sure you are concise and to the point. Don't spend too much time on any one point.

6. Measuring your Speaking Qualities

One of the most difficult aspects of the IELTS Speaking test is the fact that the topics are not predetermined. Even though it is possible to prepare for commonly asked questions, it is impossible to know the exact questions until they are asked by the examiner.

It is understandable that sometimes a question may be asked that you have limited knowledge or experience with. It is important to note that the examiner is less interested in what you know about a particular topic, and more interested in how you answer the question. Show enthusiasm and energy for the topic. This will help to make your answer more engaging and memorable This is because it is a demonstration of your resourcefulness and ability to form an answer even in the absence of knowledge about the subject, which is exactly monitored by the examiner.

7. Useful Featured Words and Phrases in the IELTS Exam

How can you talk about something that you have no experience with? While it is helpful to draw from your own experiences when answering, there is no ordinance stating you have to be truthful. You are just being asked to narrate a tale with language. Use descriptive language to paint a picture in the interviewer's mind. This will help to make your answer more vivid and memorable.

Invent something and employ sophisticated vocabulary and grammar to do it. Use transitional phrases to connect your thoughts and ideas. This will help to make your answer flow more smoothly.

By following these tips, you can extend your answers in a speaking interview and leave a lasting impression on the interviewer.


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