Matching Heading Questions in IELTS Reading- Solve Sample Question

Matching heading is the type of questions in IELTS reading that candidate often find tricky to solve. In this type of question, the candidate is required to match the heading in the question to the correct paragraph or reading section in the text. The number of headings will be more than paragraphs so that you left with some of the unused headings. So, it’s not that easy to solve as it sounds. Your ability is tested on the basis of recognizing the main idea of each paragraph.

Why Students Find It Tricky to Solve?

Here is the list of common problems that students face while solving match heading questions in IELTS reading. Furthermore, in this article, we will come up with tips and strategies to solve these problems.

  • It is a little time-consuming task to solve as compared to other questions.
  • Often, there are more headings than paragraphs, which raises confusion.
  • Some paragraphs don't need headings.
  • Some headings sound similar which makes it very complex to solve.
  • Some headings include specific details rather than the main idea that often misleads you.
  • Some headings have the same words that are in a paragraph but don't match.
  • You need to get through from too much information within limited time period.
  • Some candidates try to match the words from the heading to the words in the paragraphs, this trick doesn’t work here.
  • Answers are not in the same order as appear in the text.

Firstly check out the complete guide on Tips To Match Heading Questions & give an attempt to a given sample question.

Sample Question Of Match Heading in IELTS Reading

List of Headings

  1. A period of high growth has an impact on the newly populated region
  2. An improved infrastructure allow easier movement of people and goods
  3. Agriculture become Canada’s leading economic resource
  4. A rural lifestyle is considered healthier and thereby preferential to that of life in the city
  5. As migration is planned, law and order spreads
  6. Western Canada become culturally and nationally more diverse
  7. In order to ease overcrowding, the government promotes resettlement
  8. The Canadian government seek to attract political and religious refugees from Europe
  9. Canada loses its appeal and immigrants are drawn to other developing countries
  10. The approaches used in order to encourage people to come to Canada

Western Immigration to Canada

Section A

The nation of Canada was being populated throughout the mid-1870s by an immigrant population of agricultural settlers. They established themselves in the west, and small towns sprang up around the prairies through 1870s. Meanwhile, rural settlements were the true focus of the federal government’s attention. A western rural settlement was the goal, as it would provide homesteads for the sons and daughters of eastern farmers. At this time, eastern agricultural land was quickly becoming less plentiful as the populations there grew. Fortunately, eastern farmers and politicians also regarded western Canada to be a great location for expanding Canada’s agricultural output with its huge expanses of unpopulated land, particularly as a means to support the wheat production for east Canadian markets.

Section B

The federal government made plans to take control of land in the west of Canada, in the hopes that this would help population and agricultural output grow. In 1870, the Dominion of Canada bought Rupert’s Land from the Hudson’s Bay Company, and two years later, the federal government enacted the Dominion Lands Act. Settlers were able to acquire 160 acres of free land as part of this act, but only if a few conditions were met. Settlers who paid a $10.00 registration fee were then required to remain on their land for at least three years, while also improving it slightly. The Canadian government then formed a Mounted Police Force in the following year of 1873. These Mounties traveled west to make sure the area was secured for incoming settlers. By 1876, the NWMP were established in the west. Significant posts were Swan River, Fort Saskatchewan, Fort Calgary, Fort Walsh and Fort Macleod. Eastern-Canadian settlers, along with some European and American immigrants, flocked to these early posts in Canada’s west, particularly to the area of Manitoba.

Section C

In order to effectively protect Canadian territory, as well as reach their secondary goal of integrating British Columbia into the rest of the country, the best way the government could think of was to import large numbers of eastern Canadian and British settlers. They began building a transcontinental railway to connect the eastern and western expanses of Canada. With the help of the railway, western Canada would be able to sustain the growing urban industrial population of the east with food, the trade-off being that eastern Canadian manufactured goods would be able to reach the eastern part of the country.

Section D

Throughout this early period, most of those who settled in Winnipeg and the countryside around it were English-speaking, Protestant settlers from either Ontario or the British Isles. These pioneers settled Winnipeg with British-Ontarian traditions. This system of belief came to define that society socially, politically, and economically. However, the population did not remain ethnically homogenous for very long as more immigrants from foreign lands began to arrive. Many immigrants came from Austria-Hungary and Ukraine, thus influencing the ethnic makeup of the settler populations in British settlements, older First Nation Metis, and Selkirk. Eastern Canadians and British immigrants settling in the west gave an advantage to the 49th parallel, keeping it safe against potential threats of American take-over if the Minnesota legislature had passed a resolution allowing the annexation of the Red River district. As of 1870, The Red River was the most essential settlement of the Canadian prairie. 11,963 residents lived there, with 9,700 who were Metis and 575 who were First Nations. Nearby Minnesota already had a larger population with over 100,000 residents.

Section E

However, not everyone who settled in western Canada in the 1880s was inclined to stay in the area. During the 1870s and 1880s, an economic depression suppressed the value of Canada’s most important exports, dissuading many from settling permanently in the West. Canada had to compete with other countries for immigrants to choose to move there, with competitors such as Brazil, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand and the United States. Many immigrants, as well as thousands of Canadians, were drawn to the appeal of the American frontier. Before 1891, Canada has been referred to as “a huge demographic railway station,” or, “a place where thousands of men, women, and children were in constant transit, and where the number of departures invariably exceeded that of arrivals.”

Section F

The Canadian government advertised the appeals of Canada to potential migrants abroad in a few different ways. The government proposed giving away land to farmers either for free or for subsidized prices. In addition to this, agents and/or agencies were established in order to bring in migrants from overseas. Assisted passage from abroad, as well as cash bonuses and commissions to agents and settlers advertised on pamphlets, enticed even more immigrants into Canada. But most powerful of all was the letters home written by immigrants who had already arrived in Canada. Trusted friends and family members wrote exaggerated words describing the “wonder of the new world.” Those who had already come to Canada likely hoped these embellished accounts would placate any worried family and friends from back home. Over-the-top stories telling of good fortune and happiness were often the most successful in encouraging others to come.

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Dr. Roma

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