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Are you also one of those candidates who consider the IELTS Speaking Test as one of the hardest sections to cover?
Hope this article makes you confident enough with some best and proven IELTS speaking tips to improve your IELTS speaking score. Its mare takes good communication skills for delivering your ideas best to the examiner and yes confidence as well. The IELTS speaking test takes between 11 to 14 minutes. It is basically a face-to-face interview between the candidate and certified examiner. So, the task is to make a solid impact with your speaking skills on examiner.
IELTS Speaking test is divides into three parts on the basis of which your speaking test band score is marked.
In the second part, the examiner gives you a card and asks you about the particular topic written on the card. It could be anything. For this, the candidate is given 1 minute to prepare and note on the important points and 2 minutes to speak up on the topic. Test taker can also ask one or two questions on the same topic. The time taken to complete this part is 3-4 minutes.
Part III: Part 3 is connected with the topic given in Part 2. The examiner further asks the questions and issues related to part 2. It is a one-to-one discussion of the candidate with the examiner. The candidate also gets the opportunity to explain his’/her points and ideas in a more well-explained manner. This part is the last part of IELTS speaking exam and gets completed in 4-5 minutes.
Don’t let your caliber be controlled by your nerves. That is the day of final decision so you need to perform best of our ability. Speaking test is all about talking yourself, your life experiences, your opinions in a best accurate way. It is just like have one to one conversation with your examiner so there is no need to get worried.
Sticking to one particular accent while your IELTS speaking test is not necessary as the IELTS examiner will be able to understand wide range of accents or will be able to understand what you want to say, after all he or she is not an AI machine. You will be judged on the basis of your communication skills. Just be aware of sounds and make sure to use sounds and intonation as English is a stress-timed language. Tip is to start communicating with your friends in English if they could understand what you want to say then I am sure the examiner will too. Also, it helps to build confidence.
Some pausing for generating ideas or expressing your opinions well is good while giving you IELTS Speaking exam. No negative points for that. You can use various phrases in order to fill up those pauses instead of using fillers again and again. Some of common phrases that one can use:
Using excess fillers while giving your IELTS speaking test are marks of under confidence. It gives your IELTS examiner an image that you are not able to deliver your ideas in an accurate way or you have lack of appropriate words to give your answer. Instead, you can use phrases in order to steal some time for giving answers. Example of some common fillers that you often use and must avoid using these are Like, You Know, Umm, Ahh, Well, Yeah and so on.
While speaking, don’t speak in monotone or flat sound constantly. Bring little variations that make your speech interesting and worth listening to. The flat monotone sound makes your context difficult to understand for the examiner and sometimes the examiner also misses out on the important message that you wanted to deliver through your speech. Giving required pauses after different sections and emphasis to certain words in your speech and make your content more engaging. It also increases the flow of conversation.
Recall the tips given in the paragraph:
Practice some common IELTS Speaking topics with friends, colleagues, family and vocabulary related to general speaking topics. This preparation can help you to boost up your confidence, strengthen up your vocabulary and sharpen up you speaking skills. One can start practicing from following topics
There are numerous available grammatical structures that are suggested to use for getting excellent bands in writing. Practice daily by recording your speeches and self-spot your errors and while speaking on your exam day make sure to correct yourself your error, in case you made a mistake. Make sure that the use of tenses past, present & future must be correct to gain full marks in grammatical skills. Your speaking skills are marked on the basis of the following assessment criteria:
I’m sure you want to impress your examiner with your excellent vocabulary skills but here may students make a mistake of using unfamiliar vocabulary and complex vocabulary. This leads them to make several mistakes either in pronunciation or usage of the word in wrong context. This ultimately affects your overall band score in a negative way. So, the tip is to use familiar vocabulary that is easy to memorize and pronounce.
Speaking requires lots of practice. It is recommended to practice your speaking skills daily with your friends, family, and colleagues. One can improve listening as well as it allows one to develop your speaking skills by responding. Another way to improve is to practice daily with IELTS speaking mock test. You can also give yourself IELTS speaking topics and practice in front of the mirror to boost up your confidence or can record your speaking to point out errors afterward. But the key to success will remain Practice, Practice, and Practice.
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